Monday, April 27, 2009

Holston Habitat House in Kingsport April 16-18

April 16th- Starting on the Walls
April 17th-Frame work on the walls almost complete.
April 18th-Carrying sheets of plywood for the walls
Nailing the sheeting on.
The Blue Blaze Fast Pitch Soft-ball Team brought snacks and water to the workers for their Break.

This is Kingsport's 1st Community Built Habitat House. Yes everyone gets involved including Girls Soft Ball Teams.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Holston Habitat House in Kingsport

April 10th -The Walls are done.
April 13th-Starting on the Floor Trusses.

April 15th-Floor Trusses are all in place.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Holston Habitat House in Kingsport

April 4th was the Ground Breaking Ceremony.
This is the Family that will live in the house when it is all finished.
Tommy Phillips, Peter Borg, Larry Childress, Vic Ring, and the Mayor of Kingsport- Dennis Phillips.
April 8th - Block ready to be cemented together.
April 9th - The block make nice foundation for the house.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Holston Habitat Housing

I was asked to photograph the progress of a local Habitat House. I took on the job with no hesitation. I am going to share some of the photos with you. It is so amazing how many it takes to build a house. Then it is mind boggling the number of people that volunteers. This program is one of the best.
Mission Statement

To share the love of Christ by creating partnerships with communities, families and volunteers to improve the quality of life for families in need by providing simple decent housing and opportunities for home ownership.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Morel Mushrooms

While mowing the yard yesterday, for the first time of the season, I found Morel Mushrooms. So I stopped the mower, ran to get the camera. There were a few, 8 or so, hoping for more to show up today.
They popped up out of old rotten roots of a tree. I not going to eat these. As I researched the mushrooms, come to find out that there are False Morels, and they are poisonous. But these in my yard are safe.